Saturday, November 2, 2013

Shibori Folding - no 1

To start this serie, I want to show you two ways to fold a grid pattern.
The first one  (right) is known as the 'flagfold' I think, and the other one is just a variation. I made an example in paper as it is easier to make a picture of this:

You see the difference in the starting point. For both, fold a rectangle piece of fabric like this:

Then start folding the triangle each with another starting point, but after the start just make sure you outline one of the triangle sides along the long side of the fabric:

Clamp your folded triangle accordion between two glass coasters with some rubber bands:

Now it's time to make your dye bath. Don't forget to add soda and salt as you want the dye to move through the water, looking for fabric to attach on ;-). And be generous, mix at least 3 pure colours, for a nice colour splitting effect.

Leave these packages at least one night in the dyebath. Rinse cold before un-clamping your fabric! Now it's time to unfold your package, and follow your regular rinse-process. Voila:

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the effect you have created with this technique! I am definitely going to try this coaster method out.


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